About Uncharted Territories

By Tomas Pueyo. Understand the world of today to prepare for the world of tomorrow: AI, tech; the future of democracy, energy, education, and more

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Cathedrals in the Age of the Internet

2024-05-18 21:01:40

The 21st Century is defined by the Internet. How can that be compatible for physical places of encounter?

Cathedrals of the 21st Century

2024-05-17 04:39:24

What Will They Be?

Jamaica: Rum, Slaves, Reggae, Rastafari, and the Island’s Future

2024-05-09 20:02:27

Why are there so many more Blacks in Jamaica than Cuba or Puerto Rico? Why did pirates consume so much rum? Why is the island a cultural heavyweight? Why does it have some of the best coffee in the world?

Why Was Jamaica a Pirate Capital?

2024-05-07 20:02:06

This map of shipping today gives you the answer


2024-05-03 20:01:49

Why We’ve Evolved Our Fetishes

Is Any Real Estate Investment Safe?

2024-04-28 20:02:51

The impact of interest rates, commercial real estate vs housing, immigration?, Llng-term vs short-term investments, places that are safe investments, and much more

Why I Don’t Invest in Real Estate

2024-04-27 06:39:46

Real estate has been a great investment all your life, so you think it will continue. But your life experience has been an outlier. Housing prices might stagnate or shrink in the coming decades.

What Future Problems Matter?

2024-04-18 20:00:58

Some short-term and long-term problems don't matter. Others matter a great deal more than we worry about them. What makes a problem important?

Stories vs Systems

2024-04-14 20:01:35

How humans consistently miss the forest for the trees

Why Is Bangladesh so Dense and so Threatened by Sea Level Rise?

2024-04-07 20:00:45

One fact explains both

The Rain Shadow Effect

2024-04-04 20:02:13

What's happening here? How can you use that to predict where there will be deserts next to rainforests?


2024-03-31 20:02:07

In the list of weird city placements in the US, Atlanta seems to be up there. How is it the 8th most populous metropolitan area in the US, when it’s not on the sea, it only has a small river, it’s not on a fall line, and even according to its founders, it was in the middle of nowhere?

Why Is Texas Mainly a Triangle?

2024-03-29 04:25:21

Most Texan people end economic activity are concentrated in a triangle. Why?

Game Theory of Sex Update | Q1 2024

2024-03-21 21:00:52

Why men don't approach women? Why women become feminist? The influence of waists. And more!

Energy, Environment, Aging, and News Update

2024-03-19 22:17:12

Q1 2024

GeoHistory Update | Q1 2024

2024-03-16 21:00:56

Today: California updates, How big are cities, Kilometric buildings, How the Panama and Suez canals changed the world’s shipping, Ancient civilizations in the Amazon, What happened when Poles took over Prussia, The flaw in settler colonialism, The evolutionary underpinnings of the uncanny valley, and more

How to Become a Communication Wizard

2024-03-14 21:01:42

Take my course to become a world-class communicator in meetings, presentations, pitches, articles, speeches, and social media

AI and the Future of Work

2024-03-12 02:33:01

This woman will replace you

Everything Else You Want to Know about SO2 Injection

2024-03-07 21:14:03

Are there better options than SO2? How Does SO2 Reduce Temperatures? Who owns the stratosphere? Why might reducing sunlight increase plant growth? And much more.

How You Can Easily Delay Climate Change Today: SO2 Injection

2024-03-05 19:30:01

I used to feel powerless about climate change. Then I learned about this, and now I feel confident we can delay it at any time.